Friday, November 20, 2009

Digesting Food Inc.

Finally saw Food Inc. last night and was worried I would have nightmares. It was damn scary.

This morning, I heeded the call to action and started planning an entirely new Thanksgiving menu, sourced entirely at neighborhood farmers markets and my husband said: "You know, sometimes ignorance is bliss."

Yes, that's true. It takes a lot of effort to do the right thing. I know I'm late to the table with this question, but I can't help wondering: How did seeing this movie affect you? Did it bring lasting change to the way you cook/eat?

Most people have good intentions about eating right, but the system's gamed. Cheap food comes from factory farms, that's the bottom line. It costs more to buy directly from farmers, I get that.

I am going to redouble my efforts to support sustainability as much as my super tight budget will allow. Starting on Thanksgiving. Just put in a call to Olsen Farms, asking what was available. Maybe I'll see you at the U-District Farmer's Market tomorrow?

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